Innovation Lead, bpost Future Lab
July 2018 - present
The Future Lab is a small group of innovation consultants working in e-commerce and logistics for bpost.
Our process in largely based in Lean Startup methodology and the Skunkworks model of rapid prototyping and experimentation. We split our time between the innovating existing services, and testing new business models. We focus on consumer and industry trends up to 5-10 years in the future.
Market and industry research, trend-tracking, start-up scans
Field research: quantitative, qualitative and ethnographic
Innovation workshops and brainstorm facilitation
Business modelling
Venture pitching
Service design
Experiment design and execution
Communications and change management
Key Projects
Eco Lab Sustainability Program
Between January 2018 and June 2020, I created a comprehensive vision and implementation plan for bpost to launch environmentally sustainable deliveries.
When I started, the Parcels & Logistics group had no stated ambition for reducing carbon emissions, and no plans to offer sustainable deliveries. By the time I handed over my findings and vision to the Group CEO of bpost, sustainability had risen to the top three strategic pillars of bpost, and the number one priority in the Parcels & Logistics new services initiatives.
In-Home Delivery
In the summer of 2018, Zalando and bpost partnered to test delivery and pick-up services inside customers’ homes, when they are not at home. We designed and tested a new service in Antwerp, which was then fully commercialized at bpost as a standard offering.
In-Car Delivery
Following the success of the in-home delivery pilot, several people at bpost asked us to look into in-car delivery as a possible service option. We decided to test an isolated use case: delivering to cars parked while people are at work.
DynaLogic XL Delivery
DynaLogic’s NPS score was suffering in one of their most important but most difficult types of services: XL and XXL delivery and installation (large appliances and furniture). I conducted enthnographic research in the field and at the warehouse, conducted interviews with key employees, and made several key recommendations to improve the service.